Thursday, October 14, 2010

Final posting for the course

I am sitting here in class with mixed feelings, because there will be no more classes after today. I am going to miss it. Denise, Nazeem and Josephine are not here today. Josie is looking after her mother who is not so well. Josie , may God protect and guide you and may he give you all the strenght that you need. I am not bribing anybody but I must say I am going to miss all the lecturers. Well , if I fail I will see them again. I am exited on the other hand because I shared some information with the teachers at school. I am going to workshop "creating wikis" at school. They were pretty impressed when I showed them what I can do to help them. I guess I will be very busy this coming holiday creating a library wiki for our school. My husband will be working this holiday so I will have a lot of time to work. I envy the students that are full time students.

When ever you feel downhearted, stressed and depressed make use of this motivational site

Remember to forget - Charles Ghina

                                     Achiecements often come when we
                                     Forget our fears and try,
                                     For that's when we accomplish what
                                     We're most remembered by.

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